How do I interpret the workout syntax?
Workouts that include several sets with rest between sets will typically be described as follows: 3 x (6min + 3 min + 3 min)/4 – spm: 20/22/26.
There are 3 sets (3 x) with a total of 12 minutes spread over 6min in spm 20, + 3min in spm 22 + 3 min in spm 26, and then 4 min rest between each set.
What does SPM means?
SPM is an abbreviation for “stroke per minutes”.
What does the training categories A,B,C,D and E means?
34+ (AN – Anaerobic work – maximum physiological response)
Anaerobic power/capacity – The anaerobic power/capacity is very important for rowing, where you work with high intensity for a relatively long time. The maximum oxygen uptake and habituation to lactate production is the primary focus in this category.
28+ (TR – Development of oxygen transport system)
Aerobic power – The maximum oxygen uptake is the primary focus in this category.
24+ (AT – Endurance Training)
Aerobic capacity – This category stimulates breathing by using large muscle groups continuously and rhythmically. Stimulate the transport system of blood and nutrients in the whole body.
D 22+ (UT1 – Strength/Endurance Training)
Endurance – This improves the ability to recover fast. This means that at high intense training (category A + B) you recover more quickly between workouts and between days.
18+ (UT2 – Endurance Training)
Recover and technique. Active recovery.
What is the “Standard stroke”
Standard stroke is defined by the energy you use in a single stroke from catch to finish.
What kind of warm-up should I do on the erg?
Warm-up is recommended to contain 2-3 km rowing with a pace 10%-20% below your target from your power guide. Do a pyramid, 10/10 + 20/20 + 30/30 + 20/20 + 10/10 stroke/stroke off at at spm 24/28/32/36/max – try hit the target from your power guide.
What kind of warm-up should I do on water?
Warmup is recommended to contain 2-3 km rowing technique with drill exercises. 2-3 km where you row a pyramid, 10/10 + 20/20 + 30/30 + 20/20 + 10/10 stroke/stroke off at spm 24/28/32/36/max
What kind of cool down is recommended for on water rowers?
Depending on the weather, we recommend you to row 2-4 km after the workout where you are focusing on your rowing technique.
How should I use the rest period between the workouts
Between workouts, it is sometimes relatively long breaks, here is to find a good rhythm and maybe make a few drill exercises that can help one to make it better in the next interval.
Why is boat speed not stated?
We would like to recommend, along with workouts, the speed of the boat when the training is carried out on the water. The challenge for us is that the water contained factors other than your influence to have an impact on the speed of the boat, it can be hard headwind or tailwind, there may be current in the river where you row, the temperature also plays a role, and of course your technique. That is why we have chosen not to assign the boat speed because it will not give an accurate speed.
What is “Power Efficiency”
Power Efficiency is defined as the change in your normal load, each time your stroke rate.